The Twihards Boycotted This Year’s MTV Movie Awards

In case you were living under a rock this past Sunday, you know the MTV Movie Awards aired that night. If you are a Twihard, like me, you were watching Breaking Dawn Part Two along with the rest of the Twihard Universe. This boycott came with the MTV diss that Twilight was only nominated for one award this year. Congratulations to Taylor Lautner for winning Best Shirtless Performance and we love you dearly. From my point of view, it was about a fan base who dedicated themselves to a Saga and MTV welcomed that saga into their network for 4 years just threw us out the door like we didn’t even matter. The same thing happened to the Harry Potter Fans, known as Potterheads, when they were in their final chapter. We felt used and abused by MTV and we weren’t going to stand for it. So thanks to the people at Twilight Poison and, suggested that we boycott the Awards show and all pop in our BDP2 DVDs and tweet with the hashtag #BreakingDawnPart2Night on Twitter. The hashtag stayed above the MTV Movie Awards hashtag the entire time. There were reports that MTV had lost over half their viewers that night. In an article by MTV before the boycott was initiated, called the Twihard fanbase ‘brainless viewers’. Yeah, that’s what you say to a worldwide fanbase to keep them tuned in, way to go MTV! Well these brainless viewers kept your sorry ratings up for the last years. You took away our right to give Twilight the proper sendoff that we wanted it to have so we gave it our own. Some of you reading may think it’s ridiculous and crazy and the most of us are a bunch of insane teenagers obsessed over what  you guys think are stupid movies and books. You’d be surprised how much of us are much older. I always say that “Imagination is the key to loving The Twilight Saga.” It helps us Twihards escape from reality, to feel what those characters feel, to experience true love, sacrifice and to fight for what and who we love. We don’t ask you to like Twilight and we aren’t going to force you to like it either but don’t criticize us if you haven’t read the books because then your opinions are totally irrelevant. Image

How Has Twilight Affected You?

Photo: Summit Entertainment


I will admit at first, I didn’t know what Twilight was or had even read the book but it seemed to be a huge deal to everyone else. A cousin of mine told me, “You have to check out this movie Twilight and this guy in it is so hot.” I was curious because I had seen the previews but didn’t know exactly what  it was so she let me borrow the movie so I could see it….oh my God, what did I do that for?

I went from not knowing a thing about the Twilight Saga to reading all the books, keeping track of when the next movie would be out, any news that even mention Twilight or the people from the movies, I knew about it and writing this lovely blog about everything I could possibly find on Twilight.

Kristen, Robert and Taylor have done an amazing job bringing this world to life for us on the big screen. Stephenie Meyer has written a story that will take its place with other classic love stories of its time. Vampires and werewolves take on a whole new meaning and take us to a different world of imagination.

Breaking Dawn, both parts, will be amazing. I think it will smash records from theaters to DVD sales and I would hope that they would put it on DVD because there will be a lot of people really, really upset. The Twilight Saga is a beautiful love story that will go on forever and I will continue to follow these characters because they have ‘imprinted’ on my life and the billions of fans worldwide and only people who have seen the movies or read the books will get what I’m saying.

I will be sad to see this story end but if I want to relive this story all over again, I can pop in a movie or read the entire series again and again. Thank you to everyone involved for bringing this story to life for us.